
The Beginner French Conversation group concentrates on vocabulary about everyday life.
Role playing is used to practice every day conversations needed such as going to the hairdresser or the dentist.
Topics are randomly selected according to the participants.
The group meets once a week - details to be confirmed
Group leader: Jacqueline Bellamy
The Advanced French Conversation group meets every Thursday morning from 10:00 am.
This group spends more time than the others in actual conversation with less focus on specific grammar "lessons". However, grammar and phonetic explanation is provided when required.
Short stories are sometimes used, the group may attend a French film with English subtitles or attend a Festival du court métrage session.
While this group is titled "Advanced", please know that an average fluency is recommended. So, use your courage and try out the Advanced group!
Group leader : Jeanne Imbert
If you want more information, please
If you want to come along, please